Getting a Flat Tire on the Road

Getting a Flat Tire on the Road
It is never a convenience to get a flat tire while on the road. Getting a flat tire on the road is dangerous to the driver and the other motorists. Certain methods and premeditated actions can aid motorists to safely maneuver a vehicle off the road, which can minimize the potential damage to a driver’s vehicle and reduce the danger of all on the road. Follow our helpful flat tire tips to avoid an accident.
First, one must remember not to panic when they realize they have a flat tire. A driver must keep their composure and remain calm. Not reacting in a proper fashion or knowing what action to perform may alter the state of mind to panic mode, which may generate a reaction that may lead to an accident. One must always remember to grasp the steering wheel with a firm grip; using both hands. Not having a secure grip on the steering wheel at any time may cause a driver to easily lose control of a vehicle. Therefore, if a vehicle does get a flat tire the secure grip will keep the car from swerving or jerking suddenly to one direction.
Some drivers may feel it’s necessary to quickly apply the brakes to the vehicle. By applying the brakes immediately, the driver may experience a jerk on the steering wheel causing it to swerve in one direction. It is also not safe to quickly apply the brakes if the vehicle is on a busy highway or traveling at a high speed. Instead, the driver needs to make certain the vehicle is under their control and slowly reduce the speed. It is important to maintain some speed on the vehicle though because maintaining speed will help steer away from the road. It is harder to pick up speed on a flat tire. In addition, the driver needs to find a secure area away from traffic and bring the vehicle to a controlled stop.
Before you begin to work on replacing the damaged tire, confirm the vehicle is away from busy traffic. An ideal location is a gas station or a parking lot. If the vehicle is near a road, be sure to take precautionary measures and place cones or reflective objects that will alert other motorists of the vehicle’s presence.
As a final point, motorists must properly perform frequent maintenance of their vehicle tires. Care for tires is simple and it begins with basically making sure the tires all have the proper PSI (pounds per square inch). Likewise, the tires must be rotated about every 3000 to 4000 miles to increase the life of tires. Never drive on bald tires. Knowing how to react, what actions to perform, and properly maintaining tires will increase driving safety for motorists.
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