Communication Is Key
Communication Is Key
Why is that vehicle’s right side yellow light flashing in front of me? Are they trying to tell me something or is the car malfunctioning? My friend, that vehicle in front of you wants to make a lane change or turn. Adjust your speed and pay close attention to the car ahead because they could come to an abrupt stop. The light that is flashing is called a turn signal. Some individuals actually call it a blinker. This small light communicates to others who are driving around you of your next intentions on the road. Without this light, there could be so many more accidents than usual. No one would know if the vehicle ahead is about to slow down or wants to change lanes.
For some reason, other drivers enjoy disrespecting your turn signal. They will ignore it, they will not slow down and as a matter of fact, they may just speed up to cut you off. This is what they do because they do not feel like having you get in front of them. Ignore the fact they are being rude and inconsiderate. As a precautionary measure, just slow down check your blind spot and wait to change lanes safely with someone willing to allow you to make the lane change. It is not about who gets there first or trying to make the other drivers wait. Suppress those angry emotions and stay aware of your surroundings.
A good idea before you begin driving is to check all of the lights on your vehicle are working properly. Whenever you turn your blinker on, it makes a ticking sound at a steady pace. If it ticks at a different interval then you are used to it may have gone out and will need to be replaced. If you do not have time to replace it before driving, use hand signals to communicate your lane change intentions.
Just as in any relationship (one that isn’t failing or seen on a TV show like Maury), communication is key. This has been a public service announcement.
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