It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane..It’s a Bicyclist!

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane..It’s a Bicyclist!
Watch out! Did you see that? Whew, that was a close call. Motorists everywhere are paying attention to the road, and sometimes we overlook the fact that we are sharing the roadway with other vulnerable roadway users. Texting, reading books, cooking, changing clothes, and working out are all examples of the many distractions we face while driving. What? You haven't cooked fries while driving? Don't judge me, I was running late, and the fast-food drive-through line was way too long. Back to the subject: we share the roadways with individuals who ride their bicycles in traffic. Early in the morning, the afternoon, late at night, or any time is a potentially dangerous moment to ride a bike in traffic. It is still the responsibility of all motorists to be aware of these two-wheeled non-motor vehicles.
For bicyclists, it helps to be highly visible by wearing bright or neon-colored clothing. Decorating with holiday lights or bright shimmery things that catch attention may also help. If you want to go over and beyond, you could dress like a circus clown. Their outfits are always entertaining and eye-catching, but you may have to change clothes when you arrive to your destination. Lights on a bicycle are a great idea, especially at nighttime. Late-night bike riding should be done with safety in mind at all times.
As motorists, we need to pay attention to our surroundings at all times. When passing a bicyclist we must give them at least 3 feet of space. It is against the law to throw objects at any person riding a bicycle. This is also considered littering. The state of Texas takes littering seriously. If you are caught, be prepared to pay a fine.
For more information on how to become a better-educated driver or how to get an insurance discount please call our customer service line at 713-465-0042.
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